Blogoween · Uncategorized

Blogoween #12 (Top 5 non-horror halloween movies/tv-shows)

Hey Guy’s I’m back! And it’s Halloween!!! Sadly I didn’t get to 13 post (for blogoween) but hey I tried my best anyway for today’s prompt I’m gonna list my top 5 non-horror but Halloween movies and shows.

  1. The Nightmare Before Christmas

I love this movie so much. I’m always so confused if it’s a Christmas or a Halloween movie. But either way I think it’s a Halloween classic.

2. The chilling adventures of Sabrina

This is a new show that Netflix recently added for Halloween, I’m not done watching it but it’s pretty good so far.

3. Harry Potter and the philosophers stone

I had no idea some people considered this a Halloween movie but I’ll take any opportunity to watch Harry Potter.

4. Stranger Things

I love Stranger Things, I have to confessed I haven’t finished it but I still love it. Technically this isn’t Halloween related but I think it’s a really “eerie” show and fits in.

5. The Addams family

And for last I have to go with a classic “The Addams Family”.

Well those are my top 5 non-horror movies/shows. I hope everyone had a good Halloween.

Happy Reading


Blogoween · Uncategorized

Blogoween #8 (Barley Breathing, Forever Haunted)

Hey fellow booknerds!! I’m here for my 8th Blogoween. Also I have to do 5 more of these in 7 day Send help. But today’s prompt is all about books that left you emotionally crippled. I have so many of these, that this should be easy.

1. The Book Thief by- Markus Zusak



If you don’t know me Hi hello. I’m obsessed with The Book Thief. It’s one of my all time favourite books. I love Markus Azusa is writing it’s so beautiful. This book crush my soul in approximately 10 million pieces. And I’m still not over it. I recommend this book like 1010%. The ending had me sobbing so did the movie which you should watch if you haven’t. It’s a historical Fiction story set in WW2.




2. Elenor and Park by- Rainbow Rowell

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This book BrOkE me. I don’t really know why, dont get me wrong, it’s an amazing book but it’s not one of my all-time favorites. I remember when I finished reading this book I was just sitting there for 5 minutes. The ending shocked me (I’m not gonna spoil anything) I just didn’t think that it would end this way.





3. The Hate U Give by- Angie Thomas

9780062498533_p0_v12_s550x406I almost forgot about this book and I’m almost mad at myself for it. THUG is amazing. It’s such an amazing book and If you haven’t read it. READ IT. this book was so impacting. I haven’t watch the movie yet (but I will soon (hopefully) but I’m just ready to be emotionally broken.







4. Blood for Blood by-Ryan Graudin


Blood by blood left me emotionally scarred. I can’t spoil anything. Lets just say that I forgot that authors are trying to leave you emotianally scarred. I love the Wolf by wolf duology and all of Ryan Graudin’s  books and I can’t wait for the next one.





5. Harry Potter (5-7) by-J.K Rowling


I mean, I had to put this on the list you know? I think HP broke everyone. I still get sad about the way it ended. Also tales of Grindelwald is gonna kill me. Cause I love all the characters so much and If one of them dies I dont know what I’m gonna do.





original post

Ya so those are my books that emotianally broke me. Which books left you emotianally crippled?

Happy Reading



Blogoween #6 (Shapeshifter)

via Shapeshifter

Yayy! It’s almost Halloween and if you have seen my post you’ll know that I love Halloween, I might be my favourite holiday. The best part of Halloween is costumes and that’s what this post is all about, basically you have to let me know of some characters that you would like to dress up as.




I love Newt Scamander he is adorable and he’s my favourite character in Fantastic Beast, I think being newt is a super cool costume, its kinda hard to pull off (because of the coat) but an awesome costume. it’s a bit harder to do 






I feel like this could be pretty simple, I put this on here because I love his coat, I mean wouldn’t be awesome that you had 1 coat the could book like 100? You would most probably need red hair which I don’t have  but you could just get a wig.







This is a pretty easy costume, you just wear leather and a black shirt/pants, of course the hard part of this costume is the bow but you could most probably find one at a Halloween store, and of course you can’t forget the classic mocking jay pin.






Well I can’t think of any other ones so that’s all for today,

Do you dress up for Halloween?

What are you’re favourite bookish costumes?

Happy Reading



Blogoween · Uncategorized

Blogoween #5 (Grimore Notes)

Hey Guys todays prompt  is a review of all the  Halloween/horror books that I’ve read this month. But sadly I havent read any, yup that’s right I havent been sticking to my TBR 😔. I tried but I just couldn’t get into any of the books so I just read something else. So instead I’m gonna put all the Halloween reads that are on my TBR.



40896289._UY200_I originally got this book in the July Owlcrate, I hadn’t read My Lady Jane so I picked it up and loved it! But I sadly never got to it, I’m hoping I can read it before Halloween

You may think you know the story. After a miserable childhood, penniless orphan Jane Eyre embarks on a new life as a governess at Thornfield Hall. There, she meets one dark, brooding Mr. Rochester. Despite their significant age gap (!) and his uneven temper (!!), they fall in love—and, Reader, she marries him. (!!!)
Or does she??
Prepare for an adventure of Gothic proportions, in which all is not as it seems, a certain gentleman is hiding more than skeletons in his closets, and one orphan Jane Eyre, aspiring author Charlotte Brontë, and supernatural investigator Alexander Blackwood are about to be drawn together on the most epic ghost hunt this side of Wuthering Heights.



37825382I really want to read this book! I love Victoria Schwab’s writing so much and the plot to City of Ghost sounds amazing.

Cassidy Blake’s parents are The Inspectres,  ghost-hunting team. But Cass herself can REALLY see ghosts. In fact, her best friend, Jacob, just happens to be one.
When The Inspectres head to ultra-haunted Edinburgh, Scotland, for their new TV show, Cass—and Jacob—come along. In Scotland, Cass is surrounded by ghosts, not all of them friendly. Then she meets Lara, a girl who can also see the dead. But Lara tells Cassidy that as an In-betweener, their job is to send ghosts permanently beyond the Veil. Cass isn’t sure about her new mission, but she does know the sinister Red Raven haunting the city doesn’t belong in her world. Cassidy’s powers will draw her into an epic fight that stretches through the worlds of the living and the dead, in order to save herself.



download (18) I read the raven boys and fell in love, I started The dream thieves but never finished it, I find that The Raven Cycle id a supernatural book so I think its perfect for this season

“There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve,” Neeve said. “Either you’re his true love . . . or you killed him.”

Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys.  But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can’t entirely explain. He has it all but he’s looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little. For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She never thought this would be a problem. But now,  her life becomes caught up in the strange  world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.



download (19)I have been waiting for this book, since april and I couldn’t be more excited to read it. I havent bought it cause I put myself on a book buying ban. but I’m hoping to end my ban and buy it soon.

Seventeen-year-old Anouk envies the human world, where people known as Pretties lavish themselves in fast cars, high fashion, and have the freedom to fall in love. But Anouk can never have those things, because she is not really human. Enchanted from animal to human girl and forbidden to venture beyond her familiar Parisian prison, Anouk is a Beastie: destined for a life surrounded by dust bunnies and cinders serving Mada Vittora, the evil witch who spelled her into existence. That is, until one day she finds her mistress murdered in a pool of blood—and Anouk is accused of the crime.
Now, the world she always dreamed of is rife with danger. Pursued through Paris by the underground magical society known as the Haute, Anouk and her fellow Beasties only have three days to find the real killer before the spell keeping them human fades away. If they fail, they will lose there lives…but if they succeed, they will be more powerful than anyone.


Well those are my books on my spooky TBR, I only put 4 books cause I want to keep my TBR realisticly.

Do you have any spooky books on your TBR?

Have you read any of these books?

Happy Reading



Blogoween · Uncategorized

Blogoween#4 (Book Spine Spells)

Hey Guys I have been super busy lately but I finally have the time to blog, so sadly I currently not at home so I don’t have my bookshelves so I can’t use my books for this prompt  but I’m gonna try my best. Today’s prompt is Book Spine Spells so in conclusion  you have to stack up your books in an order that allow the titles to create a poem. but you can only use horror/Halloween themed books. I’m not the best at poetry but I’m I’ll do my best.

  1. The shadows that lurk in the tree



the darkest minds

are in a gathering of shadows

far from the tree

of nevernight






2. The Circus of fire


the night circus

rises of fire

to this savage song

of the rebel waves



those are my poems, and I know that they are not all Halloween themed but I tried my best, also as a reading update I’m currently read the Lady’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, this Mortal Coil and a Very Large Expanse of Sea. I’m loving both The Lady’s guide…and AVLEOS, I’m enjoying This Mortal Coil, I want to see where it goes.

Well thats it! Hope you enjoyed my mediocre poetry and

Have You read any of the books?

If you did the challenge which books did you use?

Happy Reading





Blogoween · Uncategorized

Blogoween #3 (5 Characters that I’d Want During the Zombie Apocalypse)

Hey guys I’m back for my 3rd Blogoween prompt. Todays prompt is “They got my back” so in summary you have to pick 5 characters that you would want during the zombie apocalypse. I’m quite excited for this prompt, I have a few ideas but I’ll see who I pick in the end.


  1.  Guns/Crossbow Expert: 

Ohhhh that’s a tough one…I’m thinking maybe Katniss Everdeen (I just rewatched the Hunger Games). Yeah I would choose Katniss cause she survived the hunger Games twice (I think) I read it a long time ago. I would probably drag Peeta with us.


2. Knives expert  

Okay so I have been debating this, I have two options 1. Lola from Ace of Shades or 2. Inej from Six of Crows. Cause I love Lola she is one of my favourite characters in Ace of Shades…who am I kidding I love them allll!!!! now I want to reread the book. Anyway I’d brin the both of them?? No really i cant choose, I’ll just bring the both of them.


3. Hunter & Forager

It took me a while to think of a character but I’ve decided upon Hermione from Harry Potter. She’s not known for hunting but I bet she would know useful information about everything. Also she’s a wizard so she can be really useful


4. The Engineer

I have a few people, either David from the Shadow and Bone trilogy because he is l a genius and can make super metal, or Emika from Warcross so she could probably program anything. Yeah that’s all that I can think of at the moment.


5. The Doctor

For the doctor I decided to choose Nina Zenik from the SoC duology, She is a heartender and has a few healing powers, also she is badass and can help takeout any enemies.

5 Characters that I’d Want During the Zombie Apocalypse 

Well there you have it. I may have chosen more than 5 but I tried my best, i’m quite confident in my team.

Who would you want to be in the apocalypse with?

Happy Reading


Blogoween · Uncategorized

Blogoween #2 (5 books about witches)

Hey guys I’m back for my second Blogoween post, I have been super busy this week, but im gonna try to post this weekend. Anyway todays (well technically yesterdays) is Top 5 books about witches but sadly I havent read many witch books so im gonna be doing 5 witch books on my TBR.




So this book originally caught my attention because THIS COVER!!! (sorry but im love) , but I looked at synopsis and it looks really good. But I haven’t picked it up.

Two centuries ago, three sisters were sentenced to death for witchery. Stones were tied to their ankles and they were drowned in the  waters surrounding the town.
Now,  each summer, the sisters return, stealing the bodies of three weak-hearted girls so that they may seek their revenge, luring boys into the harbor and pulling them under.Seventeen-year-old Penny Talbot has accepted the fate of the town. But this year, on the eve of the sisters’ return, a boy named Bo Carter arrives; unaware of the danger he has just stumbled into. Mistrust and lies spread quickly through the streets. The townspeople turn against one another.  But only Penny sees what others cannot. And she will be forced to choose: save Bo, or save herself.




I don’t actually own this book but its own my TBR, I’m not 100% its witches but someone told me it is so I’m putting here anyway

For nearly a century, the Nomeolvides women have tended the grounds of La Pradera, the lush estate gardens that enchant guests from around the world. They’ve also hidden a tragic legacy: if they fall in love too deeply, their lovers vanish. But then, after generations of vanishing, a strange boy appears in the gardens. The boy is a mystery to Estrella, the Nomeolvides girl who finds him, and to her family, but he’s even more a mystery to himself; he knows nothing more about who he is or where he came from than his first name. As Estrella tries to help Fel piece together his unknown past, La Pradera leads them to secrets as dangerous as they are magical in this stunning exploration of love, loss, and family.



Image result for Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft book cover

I saw this at indigo the other and it looked super interesting. Ita a collection of anthologies about witches what could be better?

Glinda the Good Witch. Elphaba the Wicked Witch. Willow. Sabrina. Gemma Doyle. The Mayfair Witches. Ursula the Sea Witch. Morgan le Fey.  History tells us women accused of witchcraft were often outsiders: educated, independent, unmarried, unwilling to fall in line with traditional societal expectations.                    Bold. Powerful. Rebellious.
A bruja’s love spell has unexpected results. A witch’s healing hands begin to take life instead of giving it when she ignores her attraction to a fellow witch. In a terrifying future, women are captured by a cabal of men crying witchcraft and the one true witch among them must fight to free them all. In a desolate past, three orphaned sisters prophesize for a murderous king. Somewhere in the present, a teen girl just wants to kiss a boy without causing a hurricane. From good witches to bad witches, to witches who are a bit of both.



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I have this book in real life and on my TBR. I’ve heard mixed reviews for this book, I’ve seen quite a few 5🌟 reviews but I recently lent it to my friend and she didn’t really like it.

Everyone knows what happens in the end. A mermaid, a prince, a true love’s kiss. But before that young siren’s tale, there were three friends. One feared, one royal, and one already dead.
Ever since her best friend, Anna, drowned, Evie has been an outcast in her small fishing town. A freak. A curse. A witch.  A girl with an uncanny resemblance to Anna appears offshore and, though the girl denies it, Evie is convinced that her best friend actually survived. That her own magic wasn’t so powerless after all. And, as the two girls catch the eyes of two charming princes, Evie believes that she might finally have a chance at her own happily ever after. But her new friend has secrets of her own. She can’t stay in Havnestad, or on two legs, unless Evie finds a way to help her. Now Evie will do anything to save her friend’s humanity, along with her prince’s heart—harnessing the power of her magic.



51Fx96DOhBL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_Haven’t heard much about this series but it sounds really good.

Sixteen-year-old Nathan lives in a cage: beaten, shackled, trained to kill. In a modern-day England where two warring factions of witches live amongst humans, Nathan is an abomination, the illegitimate son of the world’s most terrifying and violent witch, Marcus. Nathan’s only hope for survival is to escape his captors, track down Marcus, and receive the three gifts that will bring him into his own magical powers—before it’s too late. But how can Nathan find his father when there is no one safe to trust, not even family, not even the girl he loves?



That’s it guys those are my top 5 book about witches on my TBR.

Have you read any of these?

Whats you’re favourite witch book?

Happy Reading


Montly Wrap Up · Uncategorized

September Wrap Up

Hey guys I’m back for my September wrap up. This month passed by super quick I started my blog a month ago. ALSO October = Fall = Halloween. I love Halloween and fall. Anyway back to the wrap up I didn’t read that many books as I usually do because school started and its killing me on the inside. But I did read quite a few ebooks



  1. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

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4🌟🌟 🌟🌟

This was my second Rainbow Rowell book, I read Fangirl and fell in love with her writing. A friend has also recommended Eleanor and Park so I decided to pick it up and I was blown away, I loved this book .The ending had me shook, the romance wasnt my fave but still you don’t have to love it to enjoy this book.



2.  The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro



3 🌟🌟🌟

This is the second book in the Study in Charlotte series. I read the first book in the series a while ago and I  really enjoyed it, sadly I didn’t enjoy the second book as much. I listened to this book instead of reading it and I think that’s why I didnt enjoy it as much. I’ll probably read the third one instead of listening to it.



3. The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James


4.5🌟 🌟🌟🌟

This book is totally not what I expected. I completely blew me away, It’s a science fiction book set in space but It’s not like any other science book I’ve ever read, I don’t even think you have to like science-fiction to enjoy this book. As I’ve said this before I’m being super vague but I don’t want to spoil anything. But i totally recommend.



4. Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer

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5🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟

I Loved this book, It was so sad and such a beautiful contemporary. I love the friendship in this book and how it didn’t feature romance as the main theme, I find this book expresses grief so clearly and realistically. You guys should check it out on goodreads




5 The Wicker King by K. Ancrum



5 🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟

This book crushed my heart. I love the mentle heath rep in this book.  The romance in this book melted my heart. It was such an emotional book that just hits you so hard. I don’t know how else to explain it, but I’m totally gonna reread it.




6. What if its us by Becky Allbertalli and Adam Silvera

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4.8🌟 🌟🌟🌟

I already wrote a review for this book so you can go check that out if you wanna see it. This was one of my most anticipated releases and It was worth the wait, I did think that it was a bit two predictable but I still really liked it.




7. The Last Wish of Sasha Cade


3.5 🌟🌟🌟

So I have a lot of mixed feelings for this book, I was sent a e-copy of this on NetGalley.  I liked the book overral but I didn’t really  enjoy the romance I felt that it was force and too much of insta-love for me.




8. Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

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5 🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟

I havent technically finished this book I have about 60 pages left but I’m probably gonna finish it tonight so I’m gonna put it in my wrap up anyway. I am loving this book I love the mentle health side of this book, I wasnt the hugest fan of John Greens other books but I’m really loving this one. I’ll probably put up a review when I’m done.



Well that’s it for Books I’m gonna do a little wrap up of all the movies I’ve loved before.


  1. Fantastic Beast

I rewatched fantastic beast earlier this month and  re-fell in love with it. I love Newt Scamander he is one of my favourite characters from the Wizarding World universe. I am so excited for Crimes of Grindelwald I cannot wait till Nov. 16th.

2. Infinity Wars

I re-watched Infinity wars cause I was in the mood, I am also a huge Marvel fan and well the movie made my laugh and cry at the same time

3. The Hunger Games

OH MY GOD…So I rewatched the hunger games because I was in the mood for a book to movie adaptation so I decided to re-watch it and I am now again Hunger Game TRASH I forgot how much I loved the movie. I love Peeta in the movie (FIGHT ME) ok so one of my best friends hates Peeta so we had a very long debate over who was better Peeta or Gale I think Peeta what do you think??

4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two

This movie crushed me as it did the fist few times I watched it. Honest I love the “Always” scene always hits me hard. It was an emotional experience and I was so happy to be back in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Well that is my september wrap up. What did you guys read/watch this month let me know in the comments.

Happy Reading


Book Reviews · Uncategorized

Review: What If Its Us

Hey guys so today im gonna be doing a review of what if its us by  Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera. I was giving an e-ARC of this book on Edelweiss.



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Before I get into it, I just wanted to talk a little bit about the authors. I read They Both Die In the End last year and loved it (4/5). The only reason i didnt give it 5/5 was because there were two many POVs and it dragged on abit. but other than that I love his writing. I read Simon vrs The Homo Sapiens Agenda and Leah on the offbeat. earlier this year and LOVED them Simon-(5/5) and Leah-(4/5) I fell in love  with becky’s writing and all her HP refences. So yeah before I get off topic, This was of my most anticipated releases because I love both authors.


 What If Its Us – 4🌟

This book was super adorable. Its everything you expect it to be. Knowing Adam Silvera I was super scared that it would crush my heart in am million pieces, but it only shattered in half so it’s not that bad. I loved all the Harry Potter refencees ad DEH and Hamilton references. (I get so excited when books have references lol)

I loved the romance between Ben and Arthur (two main protagonist).  I felt that Adam’s and Becky’s writing styles just worked so well together. Also can we talked about that DIVERSITY. I love when books include LGBTQ+ or DIVERSITY (which this book has). Arthur was jewish and had ADHD, and Ben was Puerto Rican and also was not-rich. Sometimes I have noticed that in books everyone is high-middle class (!!THIS IS NOT EVERY BOOK, JUST A FEW THAT I HAVE NOTICED) and its fine cause authors write what they know , but I was very happy see that. In summary this book was super cute.

DISLIKES: I did give this book a 4/5🌟 so I’m just gonna say why.

I felt that this book was a bit predictable. So yes it was a love story but I think that from the begging you could already tell how it ended. It did you keep always on your toes and didn’t necessarily have moments that it dragged on. But if you’re a reader that doesn’t like predictable books than this one is a bit but its still awesome.

I didn’t like the ending. Ok so yes Adam Silvera co-wrote this book so there is no happy ending. But I felt that the ending was heart-breaking but in a good way. but then the epilogue ruined it….I felt that the ending was like “the end of an era” type ending and the epilogue just like started a new era even though there isn’t a 2nd book. Anyway I’m very bad at explaining it so just read it and you’ll hopefully get what I’m saying.

CHARACTERS: I’m just gonna talk about the characters real quick

I love arthur. Arthur is my precious no-chill cinnamon roll. I love how he is obseesed with Hamilton and how nerdy he is. He was so real-like, lol im horrible at this. Honestly he just reminds me so much of me. I have zero chill and he was just so adorable.

Ben: He wasn’t my fav but still I love how the they both nerds. Ill leave it to that cause I don’t want too spoil.

I also really liked Ben friends they were hilarious.

Well that concludes my review and thank you for sticking with me. I think in the end I give it a 4.5🌟

-Happy Reading

First line fiday

First line friday

First Line Friday


Hey I’m back for another round of First line Friday. I will only do one round this time but best of look to all of you!


  1. Round 1

“Fate came for Dottie Epstein a year earlier, in the form of a call to the principles office.”

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Image result for waiting


Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

Image result for truly devious

I love this book its a great mystery/thriller.

SYNOPSIS: Ellingham Academy is a famous private school in Vermont for the brightest thinkers, inventors, and artists. It was founded by Albert Ellingham, he wanted to make a wonderful place full of riddles, twisting pathways, and gardens. “A place where learning is a game.” Shortly after the school opened, his wife and daughter were kidnapped. The only real clue was a mocking riddle listing methods of murder, signed with the pseudonym, Truly Devious. It became one of the great unsolved crimes of American history. True-crime aficionado Stevie Bell is set to begin her first year at Ellingham Academy, and she has an ambitious plan: She will solve this cold case. But something strange is happening. Truly Devious makes a surprise return, and death revisits Ellingham Academy.  Someone has gotten away with murder


Thats it for today. Did you get it? If you did please let me know down in the comments.

Happy Reading
